Steps to become a user
Before you begin, please review the user policies. MIT.nano is a shared facility. It is crucial that all researchers strictly adhere to the user policies for the safety of people, projects, and tools. Violation of any of these policies may result in revoked access.
1. Registration & Account Set-Up
1A) Be ready to supply an MIT account number. Internal users can pay to access MIT.nano facilities and services using an MIT account number (sometimes referred to as a cost object or cost allocation). If you are not sure what account number to use, ask your advisor/PI or your administrator.
1B) Create an account and register with the MIT.nano & MTL User Machine Management System (MUMMS), a web-based application that manages user accounts and permissions.
During account set-up, you will specify which facilities/laboratories ("services") you wish to access. Select only those that apply. Different services have different safety prerequisites; adding more than you need will add additional, unnecessary training requirements. See a step-by-step guide on registering in MUMMS.
Once you have a registered MUMMS account, you can log back in to add or remove services at any time under Manage Your Services. Services will be activated after completing step 2 below. See a step-by-step guide for adding a service.
2. General Safety and Orientations
You can find all required general safety trainings and orientations for your selected services listed in MUMMS.
2A) Join the EHS training group(s) and complete all prerequisite training courses. Each MIT.nano service has an associated training group where training requirements have been identified based on the hazards present in each space. On your Manage Your Services page in MUMMS, select "Show Details" under prerequisites for each service to find a direct link to the appropriate Atlas training group. Join the training group to access the associated training prerequisites; the required training courses will appear in your My Training Needs list after you join. Step-by-step guide on accessing your prerequisite trainings.
Learn more about training and safety sessions.
2B) Complete any general prerequisites listed in MUMMS. You will find a direct link to sign-ups for new user orientations, if required for that service.
2C) Confirm that your cost object has been approved. Your cost object must be approved before your MIT.nano services can be activated. Check on its status in your MUMMS account on the View Your User Information page. To resend an approval request to the cost object owner, click "view/modify" next to Charge Allocations. Step-by-step guide for sending a cost object reminder.
When all prerequisites in MUMMS are satisfied, you will receive an automated email from MUMMS that your service(s) are activated and can proceed to the next step.
3. Getting Started
3A) Additional steps for specific functional areas:
- For Fab.nano users (cleanroom processing, 5th floor prototyping) - Before you get trained on equipment, you need to submit a process flow. This helps us ensure that tools and other users' samples are compatible with your work. Once you have an approved process, you can get trained on tools. How do I submit a process?
Submit your process for review here.
- For Characterization.nano users (CryoEM, imaging and analyses, cleanroom metrology) - If you will be accessing Characterization.nano instrumentation located in the non-cleanroom spaces only, sign up for the Characterization.nano New User Orientation before starting instrument trainings. Users seeking to access metrology instrumentation located both inside and outside the cleanroom facilities, must sign up for the Fab.nano Orientation, which covers both fab and metrology.
- For Immersion Lab users - For first time use, submit the Immersion Lab quick start form with a description of your project and the tools in which you are interested. Based on your project needs and goals, Immersion Lab staff will work with you to customize a training and facility use plan. If you intend to collect human subject research data that will be used in a publication, you will need submit your approved IRB protocol.
3B) Equipment training - Once you have completed any functional-area specific steps, you are ready to sign up for equipment training. After you have been trained and qualified on the tool(s), you can begin reserving time on MIT.nano-managed facilities and equipment.
- Characterization.nano and Immersion Lab facilities have moved to the NEMO lab management system for equipment reservations, group training signups, and user operation. (Preview the NEMO quick start guide here, or log in to NEMO for the most updated quick reference guide.)
- Fab.nano continues to use the CORAL platform to reserve and engage tools until the fab transitions to NEMO (expected in 2025). You can also use CORAL to check tool status, report problems, and communicate results. Access CORAL via the web or download & install the remote version.
Please make sure to acknowledge the use of the MIT.nano in any publication, presentations, and patents involving results originated from the use of MIT.nano or through assistance from MIT.nano staff.
Suggested language: " This work was carried out, in part, through the use of MIT.nano."
We encourage acknowledgement of the intellectual contribution of the MIT.nano personnel in the form of a personal acknowledgement of the contribution or authorship if the contribution is merited in accordance with MIT responsible conduct of research policies.
Please let us know of your publications with MIT.nano!
Questions? Email us.